

Mrs Lake

Miss Malik

Mrs Smith

Miss Aslam


Uniform: Green school jumper with logo, white shirt, green tie, black trousers/skirt/pinafore, black shoes (not trainers)


PE days:

Tuesday and Friday

PE uniform – Plain black hoody white school PE t-shirt (this can be bought from school for £2) black jogging bottoms, trainers. 

The girls in year 5 will go swimming every Tuesday afternoon, in the first term (September - February). They must have a one piece costume, towel and a bag to put them in.

The boys in year 5 will go swimming every Tuesday afternoon in the second term (February -July). They must have a pair of swmming trunks or swmming shorts, towel, and a bag to put them in. 


MTP titles:

Autumn – To Infinity and Beyond

Spring – Beasts of Nature

Summer – The Golden Age


Additional information:

As part of our holisctic curriculum provison, Year 5 children have gardening sessions once a month. Children must wear a coat and bring a spare pair of shoes for the garden. You will be informed in advance about the dates.

As part of the  curriculum, the school nurse will visit with children in year 5 to talk to them about puberty. Boys and girls will be taught this separately. You will be informed in advance when the school nurse will visit to deliver this talk. 

Click here to view suitable swimwear. 



Mrs Lake

Miss Malik

Mrs Smith

Miss Aslam


Uniform: Green school jumper with logo, white shirt, green tie, black trousers/skirt/pinafore, black shoes (not trainers)


PE days:

Tuesday and Friday

PE uniform – Plain black hoody white school PE t-shirt (this can be bought from school for £2) black jogging bottoms, trainers. 

The girls in year 5 will go swimming every Tuesday afternoon, in the first term (September - February). They must have a one piece costume, towel and a bag to put them in.

The boys in year 5 will go swimming every Tuesday afternoon in the second term (February -July). They must have a pair of swmming trunks or swmming shorts, towel, and a bag to put them in. 


MTP titles:

Autumn – To Infinity and Beyond

Spring – Beasts of Nature

Summer – The Golden Age


Additional information:

As part of our holisctic curriculum provison, Year 5 children have gardening sessions once a month. Children must wear a coat and bring a spare pair of shoes for the garden. You will be informed in advance about the dates.

As part of the  curriculum, the school nurse will visit with children in year 5 to talk to them about puberty. Boys and girls will be taught this separately. You will be informed in advance when the school nurse will visit to deliver this talk. 

Click here to view suitable swimwear.