(Special Educational Needs and Disabilities)
I am Lisa Jagger , the school’s Special Edcuational Needs and Disablities Co-ordindator (SENDCO)
Please get in touch if you need advice or support for your child. I can signpost or provide you with resources for home:
Please call the school number 01274 573396 or email, lisa.jagger@stoswalds.bdat-academies.org to arrange an appointment.
SEND at St Oswald's
All teachers are responsible for planning a differentiated curriculum that meets the needs of specific groups of children and responds to their diverse learning needs. We use our best endeavours to secure special educational provision for pupils for whom this is required. In such cases, extra support will be provided, a special programme will be developed to overcome the difficulties that he/she faces and a Graduated Approach Plan (GAP) drawn up (alongside parents, child and School) to monitor and track the progress of that individual child.
A child or young person has special educational needs if he or she has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A learning difficulty or disability is a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age. This may be:
Special educational provision means educational or training provision that is additional to, or different from, that made generally for others of the same age in a mainstream setting
We are a fully inclusive school. We aim to ensure all pupils achieve their potential, personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum, (Regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs).
Children may have special educational needs that require additional support when progress has slowed or stopped. We implement a graduated approach based on the guidance from Bradford Metropolitan District Council’s Children’s Services for SEN. This is based on an Assess-Plan-Do-Review matrix of need.
Our local offer describes how we meet the needs of children with a variety of difficulties at St Oswald's CofE Primary Academy. Please click on the link below to see our Local School Offer
Our Commitment to you and your child
At St Oswald's CofE Primary Academy, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all our children and we are committed to the principle of inclusive classrooms.
We work closely to the guidelines of the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
Please find details on SEND here. If you would like further information please speak to our SENDCo.
For information and guidance on:-
Communication and Interaction, click here
Social, Emotional and Mental Health click here
Cognition and Learning, click here
Multi-Sensory Impairment, click here
Accessibility Policy click here
Useful Websites:
SEN Complaints Procedure
If parents have a complaint about the SEND provision in the academy they should initially speak to the class teacher.
They should arrange to speak to the SENDCo if the issue is not resolved.
If an issue remains unresolved we ask parents to follow our Trust policy for Complaints, which provides a structure to follow, including a complaints form, should it be required. Please follow this link