
Accessibility Policy.pdf .pdf
Admissions policy.pdf .pdf
Attendance policy.pdf .pdf
Behaviour Policy.pdf .pdf
Charging and Remissions Policy.pdf .pdf
Collective Worship Policy.pdf .pdf
Critical Incident and Business Continuity Plan website only.pdf .pdf
Equalities Objectives.pdf .pdf
Equalities Policy.pdf .pdf
EYFS Policy.pdf .pdf
First Aid Policy.pdf .pdf
Health and Safety Policy.pdf .pdf
Missing child policy.pdf .pdf
Online Safety Policy.pdf .pdf
RE Policy.pdf .pdf
RSE.pdf .pdf
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.pdf .pdf
School Visits Policy.pdf .pdf
SEND information report.pdf .pdf
SEND Policy.pdf .pdf
Suspension and Exclusion Policy.pdf .pdf
Uniform Policy.pdf .pdf

Links to other policies:

Children with health needs who cannot attend school policy - Click here

BDAT Policies for parents - click here



Upon request, all policies can be printed for free at the office.